Wyatt Hansen
Hometown: Altonah, Utah
Age: 20
Representing the United States at WorldSkills in Welding
WorldSkills competitor Wyatt Hansen says the 2024 Welding competition will allow him the opportunity to see where he stands against the best welders in the world. Hansen represented the state of Utah at the SkillsUSA Championships and won a national gold medal in Welding in 2023. He is a student at Utah State University Eastern (USUE). His expert, Ray Connolly from Cedar Hill, Mo., will train Hansen for the competition. Hansen credits his success in learning welding to putting in 15-16 hours a day, six to seven days a week, for the past eight months. “I’m grateful to my Welding instructors from USUE, my high school instructors, my employer, and my family and friends for helping me get to this point.”
Hansen says what he likes best about working in his trade area is knowing all the opportunities that Welding has to offer. “I can travel, work for different people and earn a lot of money, too!”
Hansen says, “Being chosen for the 2024 WorldSkills USA team is a privilege and an honor. I look forward to representing the U.S. in Lyon. It’s been my dream to be a WorldSkills competitor.”
Download the press release about Wyatt Hansen and WorldSkills USA.