Designation: Heavy Vehicle Technology

Photo of Cale Mouser.

Cale Mouser

  Representing the United States at WorldSkills in Heavy Vehicle Technology WorldSkills competitor Cale Mouser says the 2024 Heavy Vehicle competition will allow him the opportunity to interact with different nationalities, to further his knowledge of heavy equipment and compete with the best. He also plans on representing the U.S. well. Mouser represented the state…
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Gabe Krebs

Representing the United States at WorldSkills in Heavy Vehicle Maintenance WorldSkills competitor Gabe Krebs says the upcoming 2022 Heavy Vehicle Maintenance competition will allow him to “represent the United States as well as show the importance of having skilled laborers and tradesmen and tradeswomen in today’s workforce.” Krebs has competed at state and national levels…
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Tom Wozniak

  Tom Wozniak is an instructor at Madison Area Technical College. He was a SkillsUSA advisor before becoming a WorldSkills expert and is excited to continue to pay it forward and give students an opportunity to be successful in their careers. According to Tom, there are more career openings than students entering the diesel and…
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Ryan Meppelink

Representing the United States at WorldSkills in Heavy Vehicle Maintenance When Ryan Meppelink was 15 years old, he –along with his cousin Darin – worked to overhaul Ryan’s father’s pickup truck. After completing that project, Ryan began thinking about a future in vehicle maintenance. Darin, who worked as a technician at an equipment dealership, would…
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